Panasonic TV Service Menu Codes & Instructions » Soft4led

Panasonic TV Service Menu Codes & Instructions

Good day, dear friend. Do you need Panasonic TV Service Menu Codes? If you replied yes and were searching Google for Panasonic TV Service Mode Codes, we welcome you to our page. Please give us the chance to meet your requirements.

So, here are all of the methods for accessing or launching the Panasonic TV Service Mode. The service mode is also known as the Factory Menu and the Hidden Menu on Panasonic televisions. This menu contains advanced information as well as television settings.

Panasonic TV Service Menu Codes & Instructions
Panasonic TV Service Menu Codes & Instructions

Panasonic TV Service Menu Codes

Method 1

1. Hold down the TV’s VOL – button.
2. Then, on the remote, push the 0 button three times.
3. To exit, either hit the EXIT button or switch off the power.

Method 2

1. ON THE TV, press and hold the VOL – button.
2. On the remote, press the RECALL or INFO button three times.
3. The Service Menu will appear.
4. To exit service mode and save, power off.

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